The Letter “Y”– A to Z Short Horror Film Review Series

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Over the course of this series, I have already written 25 articles (for those counting, I did two articles for “R”). This is number 26. As with the last article, “Y” titles are not as numerous, but more so than “X”. For the most part, I can stay with the normal theme and not have to resort to gimmicks to give you a good overview of short films.


Although, Yeti does start with “Y”. There is that. And maybe, just maybe, I could throw one in, just for good measure.

Yowie and the Magpie (2008)

Animated UK short, directed by Dylan White, about a hunter whose quarry is the Yowie. Being a rare creature, there is a question about what bait to use. How about a child?

The Yawner (1907)

How contagious is a yawn? Ask Segundo deChimon. Another early French work from one of the masters of Victorian Cinema.

Young Genius (2014)

Thirty seconds from Italy. A desperate voice on the other end of the line. Directed by Francesco Roder and entered in the “Wes Craven Presents: Studio 360’s Scary Short Film Fest” contest, this is one of those films that is also very instructional.

Y103 (2015)

Time and place are not always consistent. Sometimes they loop. Stretching my usual policy on this. This film is not on IMDb, but the director, Alessandro Frosali is. Sometimes the website takes time to catch up with film production.

Yawn of the Dead (2017?)

A group of UK kids are trapped in a youth center during a zombie outbreak, spread by a virus over the cell phone, pointing out how dull it is to sit and wait for things to happen between zombie attacks. Cute, not too bad for a first attempt.


Yawn of the Dead (2016)

You fall asleep, or one of the risen yawn at you, you die and become one of them.

Jake Dudman is the director and plays the part of Will, the narrator of this tale. There is some discussion of zombie movies and the Walking Dead. And this one doesn’t end as well as you would expect, for a couple of the characters. From the UK.

Well, that wraps up another article. The end of the series is in sight. The letter “Z” cometh. And really, there is only one way to end this series, but with a spectacular, the likes of which have not been seen in decades! That’s right! You guessed it! A Tribute to Pan Flutist, Zamfir! Oh, the Horror!

Once again, IMDb, YouTube and Vimeo have supplied the words and music to our little concert.

And speaking of music…

To end this article, I defer to one of my favorite bands, They Might Be Giants, with their song “It’s Good to be Alive,” whose subject matter does fit the letter of the article.


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About Ernie Fink

Ernie Fink has been a fan of film, mainly in the genres of horror and mystery, in equal parts, for over fifty years. His love of horror in the cinema begins with "King Kong" and in literature with Edgar Allan Poe and Bernhardt J. Hurwood.  With mysteries, he skipped from the Hardy Boys right to Hercules Poirot, only to find John Rebus and Harry Hole waiting in the wings. He has been known to read subtitles extensively, and rarely leaves a theater until the lights come up.
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