iZombie S2E13 The Whopper

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The Wrong Body


What happens when an honest Zombie eats the brain of a compulsive liar?

First, the discovery. Major found the body in the field! Zombie cure, here we come!

Nope, the body is too new.

Not their drug dealer bodies. Turns out, the body, one “Big Fish” Carp, whom worked for Mr. Boss and is a Pathological Liar.

Things get worse for Blaine. His reporter zombie got the brain of a Holocaust survivor. Even more so, he wants Natalie, who is sleeping in Major’s freezer. Of course, he threatens to write a story for the paper that Blaine won’t like. Blaine hangs up looking angry.

Later, at Shady Plots, things are happening.

Blaine makes a face out the window at the FBI surveillance team. His father’s lawyer and an elderly woman witness this.

“Still the same disrespectful child,” she says.

“I blame my upbringing. I obviously wasn’t beaten enough as a kid.”

“That is my greatest regret.”

“Really? Finally gotten over being passed over for Eva Braun?”

Freda Mader is the long time servant of Blaine’s Father. She was also Blaine’s Nanny. She is strict, mean and German. She starved Blaine for tracking in mud and gave away his dog. (“Gave away? Did you ever wonder why the rosebush in the south garden grew so large and full?”) Nice lady. She gets ten million dollars and a house. Blaine gets the rest…unless he died of foul play.

Of course, his Father was “done in” by the Chaos Killer.

On the way out, she says to liquidate all the assets.

But, downstairs Don E and Chief have a surprise for Blaine: Major!

Let the pain begin.

He places Major in a coffin. Two choices, a quick death or being turned into a zombie and buried, well, undead. Blaine wants to know why he’s killing his profits. Major tells him about the zombie list, but won’t dime out Vaughn. That is the only thing keeping him alive.



Blaine and Major get Re-acquainted


Finally, he gets Blaine to listen that he can bring back his clients, including his Father! Blaine is now interested. He sends Major to bring his father back. But his first stop is Liv’s, to find out if she is a pal of Blaine’s (he told Major that they were BFF’s).

Let’s remember that Liv is on Pathological Liar Brain.

Did I mention that she is in bed with Drake?

Mr. Boss finds out that someone is looking into the death of the Pathological Liar. The person Liv and Clive question has been under Mr. Boss’s radar. But now, he knows where he lives. So, he sends Drake to make “he lives” “a false statement.” When the suspect goes to the kitchen to get his coffee, he finds Drake waiting for him. A fight breaks out.

Clive and Liv arrive to find no one there. Evidence suggests that he is headed to Mexico.

Major and Chief bring in the frozen body of his Father.

“Somebody should make the obligatory popsicle joke,” Blaine says. No response. “When did this place get so high brow?”

To seal the deal with Blaine, Major knocks out the zombie reporter. Another one on ice.



The Truth Comes Out


Drake sneaks in to Liv’s place. She has a vision of Carp shooting Drake, and Don E shooting Carp. That really puts a damper on the evening. She also finds out that Carp shot both of Mr. Boss’s drug dealers, of whom have the tainted Utopium. Liv locates the one dealer’s mother and under the Pathological Liar Brain, gets a vision of the two being shot by Carp. Now, they know where to dig.

At the morgue, New Hope the zombie rat, has died. Ravi knows that Major and Blaine are on borrowed time

A recent photo taken by the FBI at Shady Plots shows Blaine and Major at the window.

Blaine thaws out Dad. Made up to look old, he plays that his Father has been frozen for 50 years. Blaine even mentions that they have to hurry before Dr. Zaius gets there (Planet of the Apes reference). His Father pleads for help. Blaine rebuffs him and asks about his decisions in his will, as he takes off the fake beard. Blaine wants him to make a new will. Dad tells him to forget it. Blaine brings in some help, namely Chief, who had his eye shot out by Dad’s flunkie and Candy, the new zombie courtesan, whose fingers he had cut off.

Blaine puts on the soundtrack to “Les Miserables” and the torture begins.

“Don’t touch the face. We want him camera ready.”


Meanwhile, as the music plays in the background, Liv, Ravi and Major find the fake leg of the dealer, and the tainted Utopium.

Still no word on Season Three.

Sites seem split on a renewal. While one says that the numbers are good and renewal should happen, another points up pre-empts and other interruptions that may have lost viewers.

Few shows are as well written. Few shows have great characters that are not just cardboard cut outs. Few shows have zombies.

There is one thing that I have noticed though. In its beginnings, there was a lot of narration by Liv. We were often let in on her thoughts. That occurred several times an episode. Now, it only seems to happen once, if at all. I miss that.

I also just noted that there are at least six episodes left. Lots of time for everything to mix and then completely hit the fan.


Tuesday – Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind.

Tuesday – Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind.

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About Ernie Fink

Ernie Fink has been a fan of film, mainly in the genres of horror and mystery, in equal parts, for over fifty years. His love of horror in the cinema begins with "King Kong" and in literature with Edgar Allan Poe and Bernhardt J. Hurwood.  With mysteries, he skipped from the Hardy Boys right to Hercules Poirot, only to find John Rebus and Harry Hole waiting in the wings. He has been known to read subtitles extensively, and rarely leaves a theater until the lights come up.
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