iZombie Season 3, Episode 1; Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother
So, where did we leave off… Oh, yeah.
The Zombie Outbreak at the Super Max Party costs the lives of Vaughn DeClark, his daughter, and Liv’s love interest Shane, along with Matchbox 20 frontman, Rob Thomas. Natalie disappears from the “test subjects.” much to Major’s disappointment. Detective Babineaux gets out without a “scratch” and keeps his humanity. And, we meet Fillmore Grave’s top exec, Vivian Stoll, who is a zombie and says that Seattle will become the new Zombie Homeland. She asks Liv if she is with her or against her.
The story picks up about 2.8 minutes later. (Not 28 days later)
Team Z is outside Super Max building with Vivian, who insists on getting all the “captives”, thought to be Chaos Killer victims together, along with Liv, Major and Clive, to get their story straight. She wants to keep the lid on the Zombies. Clive points out that there are over one hundred bodies in the basement of the building and that forensics will discover the whole thing.
Vivian smirks, someone yells run, and the inside of the building blows up.
So much for scientific analysis.

Team Z & Vivian
Vivian is very cool and smooth.
Meanwhile, the police are questioning Blaine and Peyton, who just escaped from the clutches of Mr. Boss’s men, with Blaine killing the four bad guys. We still haven’t determined if Blaine would constitute a fifth bad guy and watching this episode will not help in that process. Peyton tells the detective that this has to be swept under the rug, as Blaine is a witness against Mr. Boss, and needs to be protected.
So, within the first few minutes of the show, nothing happened at the end of Season Two, officially.
Everybody is now safe and happy.
See you all when Season Four premieres.

Chilling until Season Four
Oh, you say there has to be more? Clever reader!
Not everyone is happy. Donnie, Blaine’s assistant, now a zombie who didn’t get shot in the head like Chief when Mr. Boss’s henchmen attacked Blaine’s funeral home, understands everything now. He accuses Blaine of just playing that he has memory loss. Donnie states that Blaine’s act is brilliant.
“You’re Emmy good. I mean Daniel Day Lewis isn’t shakin’ in his boots.”
He wants either a partnership or lots of money. Blaine now “realizes” that the business belongs to him and not to Donnie and Chief. Chief, by the way, is in a freezer with a bullet in his head.
Donnie goes to freezer to get the money he was sure that Chief had. Surprise! No money! But right below Chief is another body. The dollar signs start to flash as Donnie sees that the body is Blaine’s zombie Father!
Major and Ravi return home to find it vandalized and the words “Chaos Killer” spray painted on the front. Ravi says that now that Major is cleared, things will get better.
All parties get together at Liv’s to make Team Z official and have no more secrets between them.
Finally, there was a get together at Fillmore Graves to meet with Vivian Stoll and get a clarification on the Zombie Homeland. So, here we go…
Vivian’s husband was a zombie and a member of Blaine’s Brain Club. Although Vivian knew about her husband, they loved each other and stuck together. So much so that, one night in bed, she took the finger of her sleeping husband, thus joining him in Zombie-dom. Her husband found his own supply of brains, leaving the Club. He disappeared a week later.
Vivian says that when she finds the person who took her husband, they will find that there is a penalty for “zombie-on-zombie crime.”
While doing relief work in Central America, her employees were sprayed with a chemical that cause numerous health problems. They were dying. She brought them all together and told them about zombies and being scratched. They all took the scratch. That makes her very protective of her employees. They are family.
She knows that there will be a D-Day, when normal people will find out about zombies. She is afraid that the reaction will be the death of many zombies, including her employees. So, they bought an island and are building a place for the zombies to live, away from the general populace.
Clive isn’t sure that this could be achieved. And he’s not sure that they should.
“What about the children?”
Yes, there are zombie children, and we get to see them in their school uniforms, have classes in the building. Clive knows one of them. Wally sees Clive and the hugging begins. He tells Wally that he will tell his parents that he is okay. Wally takes a look at Liv and says, “You should tan and dye.” He is referring to her white hair and pale complexion.
Vivian also has a Super Max powered army to help protect her efforts. We see some of them jog by. And they do some cadence:
“You know you can’t make me die, unless you shoot me in the eye.”
At the end of the tour, Vivian looks at Liv and echoes Wally’s sentiments.
“You really should tan and dye. We’re trying to keep a secret here.”
What else we found out:
- Mr. Boss has escaped to Montenegro, which has no extradition treaty with the United States.
- Donnie has begun to thaw out Blaine’s Father. Both are looking for revenge against Blaine.
- Liv finally comes to terms with her having to kill Drake, with Clive’s help.
- Charles Burd, shock jock in Seattle, gets the guard at the Super Max Rave and tells of zombies on the air.
- We hear about a Tweet from Carlos Santana over the death of Rob Thomas, “Heaven just got a little smoother.”
- Blaine wants to know if he and Peyton were a couple.
- Peyton is suddenly receiving a number of nasty tweets.
- A body for the Rave has turned up and brought to Ravi’s morgue by none other than his old boss from the CDC.
- Major, unable to find a real job because of the Chaos Killer, joins the Fillmore Graves Protection Force.
We watch as Liv and Ravi are called to the scene of a multiple homicide. A husband and wife, both shot in the head. Little blood flow (zombies). The nails are removed from the husband’s fingers. Clive is there. In a back bedroom. With a little license plate on the door. It says Wally. Clive is now on board to protect the zombies.

Wally, we hardly knew you!
Yes, I almost cried.
The last scenes involves a montage of the information being passed from Liv to Vivian to Wally’s Class.
The Questions
Is Blaine still faking?
Does someone know about Zombies and is killing them?
Did Vivian have Wally and his parents killed to get Clive on board?
Will the CDC find out about Zombies?
Will Charles Burd be believed?
Will Ravi and Peyton get back together?
Will Blaine and Peyton become a couple again?
And what does Blaine’s Father have in mind?
With little doubt, iZombie is still hitting on all cylinders. The acting and the storyline is still tight. Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders and Aly Michalka are excellent in their roles. The jokes are great. And everybody gets a good line. They are a pleasure to watch.
This series is a keeper.