The 2020 Sohome Horror Film Festival

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Now, I’ve been to Comic Book Conventions, Dr. Who Conventions (to make you jealous, I’ve seen both Bakers live), and Monster Movie Conventions. But I’ve never been to a Horror Film Festival.
Until now.

On Saturday, 9 May, Mitch Harrod held the Soho Horror Film Festival online, due to the pandemic. It was direct from England, using Vimeo as a medium for the screenings. In total, there were four feature films and ten short films. I managed to see all but one film, a feature called “Witchstars”. Thanks to Mr. Patrick Rea, whose film “Rattle” was among the shorts, I was alerted to the Facebook page for the Festival, joined it, and was able to partake of the viewing pleasures.

So, let’s talk about the films, all of which were well worth a view.

Three features were:

The Lake Vampire (2018), a film from Venezuela (when was the last time you saw a film from Venezuela) about a murderer who kills in the town’s lake district and has done so for hundreds of years. The film starts builds slowly. It ends uniquely! Directed by Carl Zitelmann, starring Eduardo Gulino.

Every Time I Die (2018), a complex film that keeps you guessing until the end. Honestly, if you don’t pay attention to what is going on, you will not get the movie. That’s all I’m going to say, except, that the title tells it all! Directed by Robi Michael, starring Drew Fonteiro.

Chestersberg (2019, UK), a British film about a town that has seceded from England. Well, actually one of three, but we don’t hear about the other two till later. Anyway, murder is legal in this town. Not only do the inhabitants kill each other but delivery people, salesmen and anyone who wanders into town is fair game. Too funny to be The Purge. Too bloody to be Peteoria. A must see! Directed by Jamie McKeller, starring Andy Love and Alexander King.

Of course, being a proponent of Short Films, I made sure I saw all of them. And they do not disappoint.

The Shorts:

Boys’ Club (2018), the world is overrun by monster. That doesn’t mean you can’t be a party boy. Written and directed by Troy DeWinne.


Dead Teenager Séance (2018, Brazil), a serial killer’s most recent victim sets a chance for vengeance in motion. Turns the genre on its head. Directed by Rodrigo Gasparini and Dante Vescio.

El Llibre (2019, Spain), a woman running a bookstore is constantly returning the same book to the shelf. But it keeps falling to the floor. Hint: pay close attention to the book’s title. Written and directed by Francesca Catala Margarit.

Most Steps Ever (2019), a new physical fitness trend as a woman’s Fitbit narrates her attempts to escape an insane killer. Written and directed by Nesib Shamah and James Allen Smith.

Selfie Stick (2020, UK), you know that thing about making a face and having it stay that way? Well…. Written and directed by Katie Bonham.

Rattle (2018), the baby is crying. Can anything stop it? Written and directed by Patrick Rea.



Finley (2019), a cursed doll chained in a box in the attic is released. Sadly, he’s out of practice. Hilarious! Directed by J. Zachery Thurman.

The Fog vs The Mist (2018), trailer for a mash up we all should have seen coming. Written and directed by Erin Walsh and Brennan Gilpatrick.

Nest (2019), keep this in mind next time you want to look at an apartment. Written and directed by Erin Walsh and Brennan Gilpatrick.

Allergic Overreaction (2019), the title is a bit of an understatement. A peanut allergy and a Friday the 13th Marathon don’t go together. Written and directed by Zachary Eglinton.


Three of these short films are available on YouTube and Daily Motion. I have taken the liberty to link them. The remainder are doing the Festival circuit and may not be readily viewable, but I am sure they will be. Be patient but seek them out.

I wish to thank Mr. Mitch Harrod, who programmed the Festival and was an amazingly tireless emcee. I would also like to thank Mr. Patrick Rea, who linked many of us to the Festival to not only enjoy his film, but those of many others. For a Short Film fan like myself, it was a great way to spend a Saturday.



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About Ernie Fink

Ernie Fink has been a fan of film, mainly in the genres of horror and mystery, in equal parts, for over fifty years. His love of horror in the cinema begins with "King Kong" and in literature with Edgar Allan Poe and Bernhardt J. Hurwood.  With mysteries, he skipped from the Hardy Boys right to Hercules Poirot, only to find John Rebus and Harry Hole waiting in the wings. He has been known to read subtitles extensively, and rarely leaves a theater until the lights come up.
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