iZombie S2 E4 Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues

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Let me just say that nothing about the murder in this episode has anything to do with the zombie situation in Seattle. As it is an aspiring country singer is killed, and eating her brains gives Liv a musical voice for her pain and frustration. It also gives her a wealth of funny “Hee-Haw” style lines.

We find Peyton at her workout class. It ends and she finds herself face-to-face with Liv, holding her favorite post workout beverage. It is a touching moment as the two re-establish their friendship. Of course, Peyton says she has zombie questions for Liv. Actually, she has a couple of pages worth.

Major wakes up in bed with Gilda. He seems a bit shameful as he gets dressed. Gilda wakes and watches Major with interest.

“Cut me off a piece of that for breakfast,” she quips.

He gives her some notice but beats a path out of the room.

“Check a few zombie souls off the list for me,” she says.

“As you wish,” says Major, in his best Wesley (or Dread Pirate Roberts).



Wesley, the Farm Boy


Major comes back to the apartment to find the dog from his latest victim. The dog sniffs him.

“Yes, boy. That’s the smell of sex and shame.”

Ravi calls the dog Minor. It seems to make sense.



Back at police HQ, Babineaux is called into his new boss’s office. The lovely Lt. Devore, Claude’s ex-partner is now in charge. She has called him in to introduce him to an  FBI agent that he will be helping in his spare time. Agent Dale Bozzio is investigating the disappearances of rich people. The names and circumstances are familiar. First, there is the astronaut that Blaine killed. Next are both of Major’s victims. And lastly, Babineaux mentions that Terrance Fowler should be added to the list. He was Vaughn’s zombie’s victim.

Reads like a Zombie-kateer Role Call.

Bozzio is not the only one interested in Major’s victims. Blaine has lost two customers. That is $50K each. “Can’t a guy make an honest living selling cadaver brains and making zombies?” he wonders aloud. His financial angst is interrupted by Sonny E, who has found the man who cut the Utopium for Lake Washington. His name is Gabriel and is now a preacher trying to save others from his fate.

Blaine and his pals grab Gabriel and start questioning him. It is accompanied by being beaten with a bible. Gabriel says it’s not part of his life anymore and won’t tell them what he cut the Utopium with. They keep him in a coffin in the basement. After repeated failures, Blaine has his zombie crony, Chief, scratch him. Gabriel becomes a zombie.

Even after this happens, Gabriel refuses to talk about the Utopium. He tells Blaine that God is testing him. Gabriel is becoming hungry, but stays resolved. Finally, Blaine shows him the door. As he closes the door on Gabriel, he tells him to enjoy his 40 days in the wilderness.


Quick Side Note:

Blaine’s zombie buddy Chief does not speak. Big Chief in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” didn’t speak until well into the story. Chief communicates mostly through typing on his phone.


Peyton’s troubles are beginning. First, she walks into Ravi and Major’s apartment while Ravi and Stef are “pheromoning” on the couch. Seems Major said she could stay there, without mentioning it to Ravi. At work, Peyton keeps interviewing convicts to get them to turn on drug kingpin, Mr. Boss. Of course, they would rather stay alive.

After lots of frustration, a local businessman comes forward and gives her the whole breakdown of the organization.

Turns out, it’s Blaine! Of course, he also charms the socks off Peyton.

“I wish you could meet him. I think you would like him,” she tells Liv, without mentioning any names.



Cowboy Ravi and Zombie Songstress Liv


Liv, under the influence of C & W Brains, performs her song at songwriter’s night. Rose McIver has a great voice and carries the tune well.

Liv was nervous, telling Ravi, her only friend there: “I’m sweating like a $10 whore on nickel night.”

Later, Liv shows up at Major’s apartment. He just took a hit of Utopium as the report of his recent victim is on the news. She pours her heart out to him, telling him she won’t stop loving him. She also tells him that she has to let him go forever.

“Perfect. Thanks for stopping by,” says Major.

She tells him that she made decisions to protect him from her “new reality.”

Major is unimpressed.

“I keep telling you I need space and every time I turn around, there you are,” he answers.

Before she leaves, she asks,”Why are you doing this? Making me doubt the only thing that I believed was real.”

Tune in next time for more “As the Zombie Turns.”

Major does what he does best. He goes out to score more Utopium. He current dealer turns out to be one of the kids he tried to turn away from drugs. He gives him two “U-Bombs” on the house.

Major shows up at Liv’s door.

“I need help,” he says, crying.

The two kiss, passionately.

Fade out.

There is a good deal of shit to hit the fan here.

Blaine, Major, Peyton and Liv are bound to connect and point a lot of fingers.

Agent Bozzio will have Blaine, Major and Vaughn in her sights.

Ravi still has a thing for Peyton.



Family Pet or Smoking Gun?


Look for the dog, Minor, to play an important role in giving away Major’s crimes.

Lastly, I can see a line of Greeting Cards from Hallmark that say things like “Sorry I was such a zombie…”

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About Ernie Fink

Ernie Fink has been a fan of film, mainly in the genres of horror and mystery, in equal parts, for over fifty years. His love of horror in the cinema begins with "King Kong" and in literature with Edgar Allan Poe and Bernhardt J. Hurwood.  With mysteries, he skipped from the Hardy Boys right to Hercules Poirot, only to find John Rebus and Harry Hole waiting in the wings. He has been known to read subtitles extensively, and rarely leaves a theater until the lights come up.
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